Bevis PTA Happenings…Uniform Pre-Orders through Monday

Save the date for upcoming Bevis PTA happenings:

– Don’t Delay…Uniform Pre-Orders End on Monday. Orders may be placed through Monday, February 10, both online and via order forms. This will not include hoodies or spirit shirts. Forms were sent home and and also available online.

Box Tops Collection. Our spring collection of Box Tops will be through February 14. Collection sheets were sent home and also available online.

– Relay for Life Coins for the Cure. Gear up for Bevis’ Relay for Life contributions toward a great cause. We’ll launch our RFL activities with Coins for the Cure, a loose change competition between Bevis boys and girls from February 10-14.

PTA Restaurant Night. Join Bevis families at Sonic (FishHawk) on Tuesday, February 18, with Bevis faculty servers. All proceeds will go toward Relay for Life.

PTA Chat. To celebrate national PTA Founders’ Day, the Bevis PTA will hold an informational on Thursday, 2/20, at 8:30 a.m. in the MPR (coffee at 8:20 a.m.) to discuss how we support our school, our volunteer and leadership opportunities, and have a Q&A. RSVP to Also that day we’ll sell a limited number of retro and current spirit shirts, PTA memberships and RFL luminarias. Stay tuned for more.