Bevis PTA Happenings

– PTA Donation Drive Update:  Thank you to the families that have donated thus far to the Donation Drive! We are at $20,839 from 202 families, 6 matching gifts and 9 businesses (95% of our $22,000 goal!). Let’s keep going….We are just $1,200 away from our goal. If you have not yet donated, please consider a donation today. Donate online or via the neon green (or gold) donation form sent home. Every donation benefits all the children at our school. THANK YOU, Bevis community, for your generous support!

LAST CALL for….Bevis Uniforms through Friday, 10/24:  This is the only time to order the new kelly green Bevis pullover and blue zippered hoodie.  Samples are available in the front office. This is the one-time hoodie order for the year. Order online or via the pink uniform pre-order form.

Save the date (more information to come):

Family Movie Night on the Lawn: Friday, 11/14, with 7:00p arrival/7:30p start time on the Bevis covered court.

Bevis Spirit Night: Wednesday, 11/19, at Tokyo Steakhouse.